The DiamondLight Soul Centre is a virtual online Centre (and in other physical forms open as well at various locations) for more than 33 years. Our Centre is a global, Multi~Dimensional and trans~denominational spiritual community of like~hearted souls whose doors are open to all to assist within the spiritual transformation of the soul.
Our Centre provides Vibrational Frequency Energetic Healing and physical presence that nourishes the infinite well~BEing of the Soul and Body, Body and Soul as One through the remembering of the Spiritual Oneness Universal Light (SOUL) we all are and BEing in selfless service to all souls of the Universe.
This is a sacred safe space for all to feel free to share anything that you feel called to~ To share sacred resonance of our creations individually and together. Where we can intimately share from the heart, to know that in each moment we are held in unconditional love free from judgment, simply accepting you as you are of what is real for you within this moment of your reality and blessing you in uplifting, touching, moving, and inspiring you into the magnificence you are in being a beneficial presence on this earth.
Together we are co~creating a sacred resonance of Love, healing, light, and beauty in appreciation within knowing who you really are which is the infinite consciousness of Source/God/the Master Artist itself within the God/Goddess physical body temple form.
The DiamondLight Soul Centre is here to assist you with walking the Sacred Path of life. I'm Here for you in any way I can be of assistance to you. Our centre provides a plethora of spiritual circles and events to help you with each step on the path. For more information on our upcoming events, please see below or contact
Rev. Dr. Lady Nenari Anne Diamond, DD, MHT,
Princess of the Sea, Lady of Glencoe, Highlands Scotland
Director of the DiamondLight Soul Centre
Centre Email~
How may I be of service to you? There are many Courses and sessions, please see above for links and events and retreats will be posted soon! Stay tuned~ attuned and in tune with the heart of the Soul of who you are and your SoulSong!
To book in on a course and/or session with me or for any and all enquires, please email me through the links above or at or on facebook messenger at
Dearest Beautiful Soul~
All That I offer here is by Love Offering Donation of your choice. For me on the path gifting sessions, readings, healings, and assistance to all souls on this earth is free from being 'only' about the monetary value placed upon it; it is about assisting all souls on this earth dimension and the Infinite Joy, Bliss, Absoulute Love, Peace, and Spiritual Oneness one feels from deep within the heart of the soul when such a gift is gifted to another soul; To see the gift of soulful transformation unfold within another soul and seeing their face and their BEing illuminate with Light or light up when they 'get it' as we say, is an immeasurable gift! Whilst I do accept monetary love offerings and do ask for monetary Love Offering Donations for some services, it is more that I Am asking for these love offerings in monetary form to assist our Centre to continue to assist souls such as you. Thus, I Am free from ever charging a fee, I merely invite all souls to gift from what they choose to gift to me from their heart, from their soul in what resonates within them within an energy exchange.
I have received many immeasurable gifts from appreciation from Thank you's, to spiritual artistry, to food, to books, cards, and so on. And aye, this includes monetary financial gifts as well. They have been gifts of Love gifted rather than me imposing a charge for them or a soul is free from receiving them. Thus, if money comes forth to me, this is a wonderful blessing of which I Am within infinite appreciation for. It is simply free from being the "only" way that I will assist another soul. I give the gift of awakening and re~awakening that Divine Free Choice from within you, by offering all of the spiritual wisdom and gifts that I experience, by sharing them infinitely, and inviting all souls to choose to gift me if they so choose with a love offering gift of their choice. I Am free from ever turning away a soul if they are free from giving a love offering, for even a thank you is a offering of Love.
If we all were to choose this, to come from a resonance of being free from placing value upon things and rather upon connection and service to Source and to one another of the Source within us, from a resonance that resonates deep within our soul as this is who we are to share and gift freely (freely as in free not as in a cost or perceived value of things, but rather from the Absoulute Love from within the heart of the soul of who we are as a spiritual soul being within a human form and within a human form, we remember or experience the memory of the spiritual soul being we ARE ~ A Revolving Experience of), then money would then exist on another dimension as we would shift it.
Therefore, we would be free from other souls having to feel the need to steal or to be in poverty or hungry or free from a place to sleep or free from being able to enjoy life here on this earth dimension because another soul has said that if we are free from providing the "money" then we are free from enjoy all of the infinite possibilities that life has to offer, as we would all be sharing of our gifts spiritual and otherwise (of our food, of our clothes, of our songs, artistry, and of all services) with each other. We live in a earth dimension of the illusion of stinginess, where everything is "Mine" and "I will not share with you unless you give me money for it, after all I am worth it". The moment has come now to shift this to where we share all with all, as we emanate from All That Is and this is who we ARE (A Revolving Experience of) on a soulful resonance.
Whilst I realise that being as this earth is in this moment, that money is what makes the world go round so to speak, I choose to I guess be what is called by some on this earth as ahead of my earthly time. As a channel, an instrument of peace, I choose to provide these services described above, because of my Absoulute love for all people, not for their monetary value that they may or may be free from holding. I am free from being what other souls might consider as financially monetarily rich. I am also free from being poor; For what I am is rich in is within infinite ways beyond that of the "only's" of monetary value of this Life Experience. I am rich in the wisdom that Spirit gifts to me and through me and it is this that I gift you.
It is in this spirit, that I request that you accept the spiritual gifts that I gift to you when you request them of me, through a soul reading, session, or other form of spiritual guidance. I invite you then if you so choose to provide a Absoulute Love Offering (a soulful loving offering) Donation, that you please do so from your heart and soul, because you choose to, free from it being because I have asked for it, or because someone has said that we 'must place a value upon' our spiritual gifts. If you choose to gift an Absoulute Love Offering Donation, then gift of what you choose to gift, whatever that may be. Whether it be a poem, some jam, a charm or trinket, or that of one pound or one hundred pounds. I accept all gifts of Absoulute Love Offerings, in whatever their form, as when it is gifted from the heart of the soul, it is free from having a monetary value to it, just simply (as simple as) that of Absoulute Love and of whatever it is that you are able to gift. And for this, I Am deeply and humbly appreciative.
Monetary Love Offering Donations do help as this monetary flow of abundance helps us to continue to keep our Centre running so that we may continue to assist souls just like you on your soul journey through life experience, as I travel all over the earth to share Source's wisdom and to assist souls just like you and I do have expenses to incur upon doing so and this helps us to be able to continue to do and be so. Yet as shared above, I Am free from ever turning anyone away if they are free from having a monetary love offering to give, so if this is the case, please let me know and we can sort something out.
In Pure Love ~Lady Nenari, Princess of the Sea, Lady of Glencoe, Highland Scotlan
Disclaimer ~ Divine Free Choice (or as we say earthly Divine Free Will) is yours and thus can change the outcome of the situation. We are free from anything ever being set in stone. Thus, the channeled wisdom, information, and advice given on and through the session, readings, healings, mentoring you receive is to be treated purely for your entertainment purposes only. Any prediction or other message that you receive is not a substitute for advice, programmes, or treatment that you would normally receive from a licensed professional such as a lawyer, medical doctor, psychiatrist, or financial advisor. Accordingly, Lady Nenari, Princess of the Sea (Lady Nenari Anne Diamond) is free from providing any guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind, and is also free from being responsible for any interpretation made or used by the recipient of the information and advice mentioned above.
Disclaimer~ The Healing modalities on these pages should not be used in place of medical or alternative treatments and therapies, but may be used as supplementary practices in conjunction with traditional and alternative medicine. You are always free to accept or reject any Healing treatment. The information and recommendations within this website, as well as, within any session that Lady Nenari gives, and within any and all courses/materials/books created by her are based on training, personal experience, very extensive research, and channeled wisdom from Source/God. Any and all information and recommendations are free from dispensing medical advice or prescribe the use or the discontinuance of any medication as a form of treatment without the advice of an attending physician, either directly or indirectly.
The intent of Lady Nenari is to offer information on the importance of well~being both physical and spiritual as One and to inform all souls who reside on this earth with the plethora of possibilities that are available if any soul chooses them to be and do so. This information is free from being intended as a replacement for sound medical advice from a physician. On the contrary, sharing of the information in any of Lady Nenari's books and on the website or in any social media or form of communication (email, written, verbal and all forms) that Lady Nenari gives, sharing such with a souls physician is highly desirable. An individual undertakes the application and recommendations described herein at one's own risk. Adoption of the information should be in strict compliance with the instructions and messages gifted on the website and in any and all of Lady Nenari's material. Very ill people with a past history of major diseases who are under professional supervision should not make use of the information contained herein without the supervision of their attending physician. All the recommendations and procedures herein contained are made without the guarantee of Lady Nenari or anyone associated with her books, websites, or any portion thereof stated above and Lady Nenari disclaims all liability in connection with the use of the information presented herein.
The statements within this webpage or on any portion of this website are free from being evaluated by any governmental overseeing body and thus are free from intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease~condition. Anything stated here is to be free from being construed as medical advice for treating an illness. Instead, one is to consult their doctor or health care professional for individual guidance for specific health problems. This is merely a collection of information that exists in the public domain and of spiritual wisdom, and is presented solely for informational and educational purposes only. Information conveyed herein is based upon pharmacological records, both ancient and modern. No claims whatsoever can be made as to the specific benefits accruing from the use of any products recommended within this website, any material and/or any sessions Lady Nenari gives, other than what is stated by the experiences of Lady Nenari related to these methods. Your experience may vary, thus this webpage, website, materials and sessions are gifted to you as a gift to be and do as you so choose with the wisdom shared and you claim for responsibility for any and all results that come from what is given.
Disclaimer ~ Some or all of the answers to any questions you may have asked Source about may come through and some may be free from coming through and some or all of the answers may be the same as other readings that you have experienced or others have experienced through Lady Nenari's channelings. Please understand that Source simply comes through with what it is that your soul wishes for you to know in this moment and that some of this wisdom may be universal and may be applied universally to all for your life and all lives and some of the wisdom is personal soul to soul communication from Source to you from within your soul, as it is these two essences BEing as One that will be comprised of your reading/session and as such it is up to your Divine Free Choice (or as we say on this earth Divine Free Will) to choose what it is is given you by Lady Nenari in a session, course, gathering etc. that resonates with you and that you will take with you and what if anything you wish to leave behind.
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