~ Why is Lady Nenari called a 'Lady' & the Princess ~

This question was once posed to Lady Nenari online, and thus this is what was written~

It was asked upon the Princess most recently by a gentleman this 'May I ask why you call yourself Nenari queen of the sea? I struggle with understanding people who do this and I thought you well equipped to answer'

Of which the Princess answered in kind this wisdom ~
'Actually, I Am free from calling myself queen of anything. Princess of the Sea actually. And aye, there is a reason, a deep reason. Besides the fact that this is my official title as the Lady of Glencoe here in the Highlands of which this is my official name, (posts about which can be found here~

I shall also share with you the deeper reason of what I wrote in my book series (my 5th and 6th books published) last year of this so that you may know more deeply of such ~
I Am Divine Infinite Soul Consciousness choosing to express itself within this life, this body as the Lady Nenari, Princess of the Sea. You too are this Divine Infinite Soul Consciousness choosing to express in this physical body temple the God/Goddess you are as well. I Am the Princess of the Sea, the Sea of Love. Of Love and all attributes of Love. And it goes to who I Am in the time before time as it is my souls essence. The Sea of Love and all whom I call to the shore of that Love including my own soul in remembering who I Am and who we all are which is Love/Source itself, the essence of the Divine Feminine Goddess that I Am and that all are that I Am the archetype and full embodiment of. (continued below)   

I have been such a Princess even before my soul was even breathed into existence. I Am the physical embodiment and expression of all of the rivers, streams, and waters of the music of life, all of life, in all forms and dimensions. It also goes to who I Am in Lyra (part of the Orion Constellation) as the counsel leader I Am, as well as, who I Am in Lemuria (our first existence on this earth which in linear succession is before Atlantis) as part of the Counsel of 12. Also my medieval lives including being Lady Guinevere (or as I truly spelled it Gwenhwyfaur), as well as, many other lives
when I embodied this energy essence.

In this life, my father called me Princess as a child, not really knowing the deep significance of such although his Soul knew, and then later in this life someone would come into my life who would then call me such as well. He asked me to write the mirror companion book to his book Song of the Troubadour called Song of the Princess, which I did so completing such exactly 12 months after he first wrote Song of the Troubadour. Subsequently, I have created an album as well that goes with the book Song of the Princess, as well as, a prose called Princess of the Sea which actually came through me before the book was channeled through me.

My name Nenari means the sacred keeper of the flame of Love and Light. My middle name Anne means favoured grace. And my surname Diamond is of the Diamond essence of Lemuria of ~ Love, Light, Oneness, and Language. All of this encompasses the Princess of the Sea of this Love I Am.

For I Am a humble servant to the Divine Source as I bring through me gifts for all to drink from this Sea of Love in 'How may I serve?', 'How may I be of assistance to you?' I Am a simple woman, a giver of wisdom, the remembering of your own heart and your own soul through me. I give of the river of wisdom and insight that flows through me and into the Sea I Am, I give. As a gift of Love. To you. To All. For All. In grace, humbleness, and Love I Am this. I Am that I Am so that you may remember and be who you are. For my greatest joy is to see you shine into the magnificence you are.
Welcome home dearest one, welcome home. (continued below)

As Buddha speaks of balance as the middle path thus, if one seeks to get to God/Source through a relationship/union or if one seeks only union with Source then we are then on one extreme or another. Within the middle path of balance it is both/and ~ Union with the Master Artist/Source AND union with the one who calls to our heart and soul. For me as the Princess there have been Divine Masculine who have somehow thought mistakenly that I seek union with Source through a man, when I Am free from such at all. I Am way different than any other woman, as I already have union and Am in union with God, it is then from that union with Source that I share my whole perfect and completeness with a man in union.

Many choose to use relationships as a means to get to God. For me the Princess, relationship/union is a way of sharing the God/Goddess I already Am with a man who also chooses that. I have often said that the way through to me is free from being through my body, it is through my heart. And my heart is within The Master Artist/spiritual and the music. And if you desire to be with me, truly desire to be with me, then it is through that first and then and only then will my body be given. Many men think it is the other way around, they think that the way through to a woman's heart is through her body. No. Maybe other women, but I Am free from being like other women. There is the quote by Max Lucado that says"A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her."  This is me. For I Am the Princess, the Princess of the Sea. The Sea of Love I behold within thee.

There have been many since my birth whom have sought to break me, break my spirit. They can do what they will to this body, yet they will be free from ever breaking my soul for this is who I Am. I Am indeed a woman of strength. The strength of Love, of compassion. I Am wild and free as the flowers that grow in the fields of gold. I Am a warrior, the warrior of the Light of this Love. I Am kindness, loving, caring, compassion, giving. I Am a soulful Divine Feminine being, a Goddess, the Princess of the Sea. This Sea of Love carries me. May all goddess' be this.

I was asked once this ~ "Do you talk like this all the time? Like... in person?"
and my answer is as follows~
Aye (Yes), who I Am online here is the same as in person. I Am free from having masks nor play such of facades. Those who know me can attest to such. I will further add to this now that those who know me personally whom have spent time with me in person in all ways including some quite intimately, as well as, those whom have spent time with me in other ways via Skype phone, regular phone, and other forms of connecting know that I Am the same online here as I Am in person. To me, there is free from being any distinction and my life is an open book of Love'
~Lady Nenari, Princess of the Sea, Lady of Glencoe, Highlands Scotland

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