The Akashic Alchemystic Tarot Deck is an Oracle deck by definition, yet also within it some aspects of traditional tarot which when it applies are reflected within the deck. This deck is designed as a way for you to be able to access your Akasha (Akashic Records/Soul Records) and the Akasha of others through readings/sessions.
Each card chosen gives you the opportunity to be guided by your Soul and its Path through the Akasha as it reveals its essence to you. The Akashic Alchemystic Tarot Deck and Guidebook is designed for all~ from beginner to advanced. For those whom are either new to oracle or tarot decks and/or the Akasha, this deck and book will be a guide of getting yer feet wet into diving into the aspects of such. Equally, for those whom are more advanced in Oracle/Tarot and/or have been on my course The Akashic Records (Soul Mediumship) Course, fancy to be on the course, and/or have the wisdom of such already through other means, this deck and guidebook will be a complimentary way to be able to access your Akasha and the Akasha of others.
Each card, whether visible or invisible, is embedded with multi~dimensional vibrational frequency energies, Light Codes, Light Rays, and Light Language that will be what your Soul requires each moment you receive a card. Much as the Mana Cards: The Power of Hawaiian Wisdom Deck and Guidebook is a specialty set, so too is The Akashic Alchemystic Tarot Deck and Guidebook Set. The deck is specially gilded with a purple foil edge and comes with its own purple velvet bag. The Full Colour 144~Page Guidebook (available full colour print and also downloadable PDF) is also available and goes hand in hand with the deck to assist you to know what each card means. So come dive deep into the Sea of The Akashic Alchemystic Deck and Guidebook, moving through the vortex portal of the infinite Soul records that is the Akasha to see what the wisdom holds to touch, move, and inspire your life into thriving aliveness!
(Please note~ at the present moment due to circumstances beyond my control the deck and the guidebook are currently offered to purchase on two separate websites, thank you for your understanding)
Are you a Metaphysical Shoppe looking to have The Akashic Alchemystic Tarot Deck and Guidebook for purchase in your shoppe? Please email me at to get wholesale pricing through me!
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